Hello Everyone, It has been an almost an entire year of not blogging. I must admit, I got bored with it. Fast forward to October 2017 and I am in the valley. The valley of uncertainty; feelings of despair; and with no hope in sight. This year has been rather challenging for me; going through things that I care not to share... just yet. I thought maybe I can return to writing to help me with this angst. In the meantime, I am playing around with ideas and inspirations in my head to share. Many Blessings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello To All. I have been missing in action from this blog since 2015. I am the type of person that gets bored with things quite quickly. I have a question for you today. Is blogging dead? There are millions of blogs out there covering everything from fashion, food, homes, wine, and etc. With the fashion piece, Instagram has taken over the need to post a blog about what a person is wearing and what the audience should buy. However, is it quite necessary to share with the world everything that a person does in their life. I am signing off with this open ended question; should you leave things to the imagination? Ponder on that question; will you. Until next time, many, many, many, blessings!